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Get to know the Artist behind the Art

Thank you to ICA for hosting this amazing art exhibition! We would like to express our sincere gratitude for their generous support in making this event possible. We'd also like to extend our appreciation to the hard-working young people who put in countless hours to make this event a success. We hope you enjoy the exhibition and take away something special from it. Thank you for your support

photo mask

Erick Reyes Medina

I am Erick Reyes Medina and I am 15 years old young photographer. I really like photography, especially when it involves nature. My favourite picture is Perfect Life because nature is multiplied beautifully by the kaleidoscope lens. I am trying to represent that there should be more nature in the world especially with all the issues around global warming.

Daniel Dalik

I am Daniel Dalik and I am 16-year-old young photographer. My photographic interests are mainly in urban cityscapes. I like macro and wide-angle photography. Photography helps to capture all the worlds intricacies.

TJ Johson

I’m TJ Johnson an 18-year-old, gender fluid student. I love the details in photos. Photography helped me fall back in love with my surroundings. My collection is called Themes of Life, Past, Present and Future.

Georgina Lee

I am Georgina Lee and I am a 15-year-old young photographer. I think photography beautifully captures memories. I remember seeing the stars for the first time. I remember being upset that my camera couldn’t capture its beauty. The best photography is those pictures taken first with your eyes.

Leo Marshall- Corbin

My name is Leo Marsall-Corbin, I am 11 years old and what I like about photography is getting good results and ending up with a nice picture. My favourite lens is macro as it allows you to zoom into objects. I like taking pictures of nature because I like greenery.

Zane Lackland

My name is Zane and I like to see the funny and strange sides of life. I like the strange interpretation of basic things in life. I hope you like and enjoy these photos I took. I enjoyed capturing them.

Noah Altahir

My name is Noah and I am a 12 year old young photographer. I really love photography (and scripting). I have enjoyed various lenses including macro, kaleidoscope and colour filters. If you ever experiment with photography just know you can take good photos anywhere. You might not always get the result you want, but never give up and keep trying.

Bakr Al Gabri

My name is Bakr and I am a 13-year-old young photographer. I really enjoy macro photography because I enjoy seeing things up close, especially nature. I also enjoy capturing abstract photographs because I like being creative and experimental.

Hussain Al Ali

Hussain Al Ali is a talented young photographer based in Westminster. He is skilled at using different photographic techniques on his phone and has a strong artistic vision. New to the project these photographs were taken around Little Venice and highlight some of his beautiful work.

Jacob Hailil

Jacob Hailil is a 16-year-old young photographer based in Westminster. New to photography he liked using the kaleidoscope and macro lenses. Jacob was an excellent participant whose images are dreamy and thought provoking.

Alisha Alam

Alisha is a 17-year-old young photographer with a strong eye for good shots. She is thoughtful and inquisitive when creating her images. She is a great student who is always willing to learn. These images are a taste of her emerging artistry.

Devante Jones

Devante Jones is an 18-year-old young photographer whose eye is drawn to natural beauty. He enjoys using macro lens to get up-close to his subject. A valued member of the group, he brings joy and energy to any room. These images showcase London in the springtime, blooming with possibilities.



Mohammed Khidir

Mohammed Khidir is a 13-year-old young photographer who finds light and joy in most things. A wonderful energy in the group, his pictures highlight his humor and creativity. Mohammed is a wise young person who has big ambitions and has made some great friendships while learning about photography.


Nebi has appreciation for the power of images to tell a story and evoke emotions. He has also been fascinated by the beauty of the word around and the way that photography can capture and persevere the beauty in a way that worlds alone cannot.

Maysoon Konleah

I am Maysoon Konleah and I am 12 years old. I enjoy taking pictures as they show my personality without me having to say much.

Maysoon is new to the group and has jumped straight in. Please see her photographs which we have digitally displayed for the exhibition.

Aya Ali

I am Aya Ali and I am 17 years old. I have recently joined Carers Express project and my photographs are displayed digitally. I like taking pictures because I like to express the way I am feeling through pictures. These pictures are of Battersea Power Station which I believe is a beautiful building that I enjoy taking pictures of.

Thoughts on Photography     

Photography is a form of art. 

Photography is a form of expression. 

It is a picture, of a time, of a place.  

Photography captures our moments and preserves them.  

It is an expression of our artistic skills. 


Photography is… 

Photography is beautiful, 

Photography is cool,  

exciting, enlightening, 



Photography is life, 

It makes me feel recognized, 

It makes me feel seen, 

It makes me feel calm, 

It makes me feel heard. 

It inspires. 

It is a gift. 

It is an escape. 

It is everywhere.  

Photography is surprising, 


Speaking for those who can’t, 

It is louder than words. 


Always changing and ever constant. 

Nostalgic, thoughtful and purposeful. 

A dream… 

Photography is…. 

Created by Carers Express